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Research data management

Potential re-use

There are a number of possible re-uses:

  • Teaching 
    • Especially in the fields where EBP (evidence-bases practices) are important
  • Development of institutional partnerships
  • Further research
  • Private or corporate developments
  • Citizen Science 
  • Etc. 

Data paper

A data paper is an article describing a dataset or a set of datasets, with the aim of facilitating and enabling the eventual reuse of these data. The paper is submitted for peer review.

Executable research articles

The executable article can be an original way of showcasing both your data and your publication. The article is formatted as a dynamic software that allows interaction with the data and code. Readers can thus "study the code, modify it and re-execute it directly in the browser" to test its reproducibility, and then download all the elements (the publication, the codes and the data) for reuse1.


  1. Melly, P. (2022). Mise en place d’un processus permettant d’inventorier, de suivre et de valoriser les données de la recherche de l’Institut santé de la Haute école de santé, HES-SO Valais-Wallis. Sonar.