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Research data management


  • Think about a tree structure that suits your needs
  • Establish file naming rules at the start of the project
  • Keep track of each document's version


Good data organization allows you to quickly identify and locate your data. In order to guarantee document accessibility, avoid technical problems, harmonize practices and facilitate research, it is advisable to put out in writing all file naming rules and access conditions.

Tree structure

  • Finding the right balance in tree depth
  • Organize files by date, project/experience or data type
  • Number files if necessary
  • Separate raw data from analyzed/processed data
  • Add one or more Readme.txt files, to describe the type of data contained in projects, folders or files. They can be added either in each directory or at the root of your tree

File naming

Choose a short, meaningful file name

It should not exceed 32 characters

It can contain its subject, date and version

Put the important thing first

To reduce the number of characters, you can use easily recognizable abbreviations: AP: Avant-projet, CdC: Cahier des charges, CR :Compte-rendu, PV: Procès-verbal, R: Rules...

  • Ex. Meeting_20210902_OJ_V01

When numbering files, use zeros on the left to ensure correct sequential order when displaying and sorting.

  • For a sequence of 1-10: 01-10
  • For a sequence of 1-100: 001-010-100
Avoid special characters, punctuation and accented characters +, =, " ", [ ], < >,$, %, &, é, è, ê, ï, ç, ?, !, . , :, ;
Avoid spaces between words.

Use an underscore "_" or a capital letter to separate words

  • Ex. Rules_Names_file or RulesNamesFile
Enter dates in the correct format

YYYYMMDD or YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601 standard)

Starting a file name with the year keeps the document in chronological order

  • Ex. 20210902 or 2021-09-02
Preferred naming schemes



[YYYYMMDD]_[version]_[subject]_[data collection][ext]

[file type]_[author]_[YYYYMMDD][ext].

Examples of naming to avoid

OFS Ville&Hotel 12-25-2019.docx



Document version

  • It is important to keep track of document versions, to ensure the traceability and reproducibility of research. It must be possible to trace changes made to data, or restore an earlier version if necessary. This is all the more important if you are working with several people on a project.
  • Each version must be properly named using one of the following conventions:
    • Use version numbering in the file name:
      • V01, V02 for major overhauls
      • V01.1, V01.2 for minor revisions
    • Save date in file name: 20210421 or 2021-04-21
    • Use the abbreviations DV for a draft version or FV for a final version 
  • Insert a document control table and version history in each file
    • Example of document control5
Title: COVID-19 PCR testing in Essex schools
File name: PCRResultsEssex_20210112_V02.docx
Description: Data from 180 COVID-19 PCR tests carried out in 2 schools in January 2021
Created by: Chris Wilkinsir
Maintened by: Sally Watsley
Created: 2021-11-01
Last modification 2021-03-30
  • Example of version history
Version Date Editor Description
V01.3 2021-05-21 Karin Millys Test results 121-180 entered
V01.2 2021-06-16 Karin Millys Test results 61-120 entered
V02 2021-10-19 Karin Millys

Test results 1-60 entered


  1. DoRANum. (2021). Comment bien nommer ses fichiers ? In: Données de la recherche : apprentissage numérique. France.
  2. Inist-CNRS (14.09.2021). Conseils pour l'organisation des données. Doranum.
  3. Université de Lausanne (2019). Règles de nommage des fichiers et dossiers. Unil.
  4. Université du Québec à Montréal (s.d.). Gestion des données de recherche. UQAM.
  5. UK Data Service. (2021). Versioning. UK Data Service.