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Research data management

Data ownership

According to the Intercantonal agreement on the Universities of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland (HES-SO), the universities "are the owners of intellectual property rights relating to all intellectual creations and research results obtained in the performance of their duties by persons having a contractual working relationship with them". 

According to Article 5 of the Regulations governing the use and exploitation of research results acquired by the HES-Valais and HEVs2, "The results, whether protectable or not, of research by members of the teaching staff and/or intermediate staff, obtained in the course of their professional activity in the service of the schools, are the property of the canton" (RS 414.733.).  

However, in the case of a partnership with another Swiss or foreign institution, or a company, it is essential to agree on the ownership and sharing of data right from the planning stage of a project.

Main regulations about data management and protection

Federal Act on Data Protection (FADP)

It applies to projects carried out in Switzerland. The prior and informed consent of the data subject is required for the collection of personal and sensitive data. Consent: personal and sensitive data can only be collected with the prior, informed consent of the person concerned. Such consent concerns both the publication resulting from the research project and the deposit of the dataset.

General Data protection Regulation (RGPD) At the European level, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) adds to the list of examples of "personal data" means "[...] one or more factors specific to his or her physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity "
Federal Act on Research involving Human Beings (HRA) "In cases where research falls within the scope of the Federal Law on Research Involving Human Beings (HRA), generally studies conducted in a biomedical context, researchers must contact the ethics commission to submit their protocol and ensure that their consent form is legally compliant " 
Valais cantonal law on public information, data protection and archiving (LIPDA)

The present law applies in particular to cantonal public law establishments of which the HES-SO Valais-Wallis is a part as an autonomous non-profit public law establishment.

Scientific integrity code The scientific integrity code includes two paragraphs on data management (4.5 and 5.2.7). 
HES-SO Valais directive on Scientific integrity The HES-SO Valais has a directive on scientific integrity

See also : Personal and sensitive data


Several cumulative criteria must be considered in order to determine the applicable legal framework(s)3-7:

Place of establishment of the data controller (PI)
  • "Researchers are subject to the laws of the country in which their affiliating institution is based" (P. Diaz, personal communication, 2022)
Legal status of the data controller (PI)
  • FADP : Federal public bodies such as the EPF, private researchers and federal public bodies
  • Cantonal laws : Cantonal public bodies such as universities, colleges and hospitals

In the case of research involving collaboration between cantonal and federal institutions, both laws will apply.

Geographical location of data collection

The location of individuals at the time their data is collected is an important element. 

The RGPD's notion of territoriality and extraterritoriality must also be taken into consideration when:

  • They are attached to an establishment located on EU territory
  • They offer goods and services to people on EU territory
  • They exchange personal data between Switzerland (or any non-EU country) and the EU
  • Receiving subsidies from the European Commission. Attention special procedure
Special law applicable to my research


  1. Aebi-Müller, Regina E., Blatter, Inge, Brigger, Joël, Constable, Edwin Charles, Eglin, Noëmi, Hoffmeyer, Pierre, Lautenschütz, Claudia, Lienhard, Andreas, Pirinoli, Christine, Röthlisberger, Markus, & Spycher, Karin M. (2021). Code d’intégrité scientifique. Zenodo.
  2. Convention intercantonale sur la Haute école spécialisée de suisse occidentale (HES-SO) du 26 mai 2011.
  3. Diaz, P. (2022). Data protection : Legal considerations for research in Switzerland (Guide FORS No 17).
  4. Loi cantonale valaisanne du 9 octobre 2018 sur l’information du public, la protection des données et l’archivage  (LIPDA ; RS 170.2).
  5. Loi fédérale relative à la recherche sur l’être humain (Loi relative à la recherche sur l’être humain) du 30 septembre 2011 (= LRH ; RS 810.30 ; état le 26 mai 2021).
  6. Loi fédérale sur la protection des données du 25 septembre 2020 (LPD ; RS 235.1 ; état le 1er mars 2023).
  7. Lorenzetti, F. (2022). Aspects juridiques de l’Open data : Journées Open science HES-SO 9 et 10 mai 2022 [Présentation PowerPoint]. hes-so.
  8. Règlement concernant la valorisation et l’exploitation des résultats acquis par la recherche de la HES-Valais et de la HEVs2 du 16 janvier 2008 (RS 414.733; état au 01 janvier 2010).
  9. Règlement (UE) 2016/679 du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 27 avril 2016 relatif à la protection des personnes physiques à l'égard du traitement des données à caractère personnel et à la libre circulation de ces données, et abrogeant la directive 95/46/CE (règlement général sur la protection des données) (JO L 119/1 du 04.05.2016).